Community ARTvisory Board

The Velvet Arts Project is a community building project.

Programming is run by a Community Advisory Board made up of young members of the served communities. The Advisory Board, along with other volunteers, design and carry out all project activities.


Bi-Weekly Meetings

The ARTvisory Board meets every first and third Monday of each month.


Distribute Resources

-       Additionally, the teams go to locations frequented by their communities to discuss and promote safer sex, deliver appealing informational literature on HIV risk reduction, mental wellness upcoming events, and distribute condoms and self-testing kits.


Outreach Activities

Committees of the ARTvisory Board create their own activities for community to come together to support each other, educate and encourage each other about safer sex & mental health.


Publicity & Campaigns

The ARTvisory Board help the project create campaigns that attract members of the served communities to the project by word of mouth, social media, video and digital content.

Engage their
growing curiosity

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

Help Us Build Community


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